sábado, 9 de septiembre de 2017

100% HOY

Hoy es el comienzo de mañana.
O el fin de ayer...
O tal vez, quizás, en una de esas extrañas casualidades el medio de todo. 
Pero lo dudo...
Creo que es más bien hoy. 
Un hoy simple y sin mucho que decir. Un hoy sordo y mudo.
Un hoy que en su silencio grita pero no tiene voz.
Habrá quien lo escucha pero está lejos. 
Lejos del bullicio y de la razón. 
Hoy se quedo sin palabras pero tiene tanto por decir. 
Es un hoy con muchísima potencia pero sin ser. Un hoy simple y humilde que se rinde a la física de la vida. 
Un hoy cansado pero con luz. Un hoy hambriento de vida.
Un hoy magnífico y lleno de magia que irradia energía pero que no encuentra un lugar para albergarla. 
Un hoy triste pero con esperanza. 
Hoy supongo que es hoy...
Ya no estoy seguro si es ayer o mañana...
Tal vez no es nada...
Solo tiempo y el tiempo es una ilusión. 
Y la ilusión soy yo. 

jueves, 27 de abril de 2017

martes, 18 de abril de 2017


Today, for the second time in a couple of months they tried to rob me. I got out of it safe, basically because I'm a bit crazy, intuition, a quick reaction and luck, a lot of luck.

I parked my car two blocks away from my office. I was about to get out of my car when I felt something was off. I looked out through my side view mirror and I saw three dodgy looking guys. One was on a motorbike and the motorbike was cutting the street behind me. The other two guys were running through the street in my direction wearing River Plate's sportswear. - Although I was close to River Plate's stadium, it is not uncommon to see people wearing River Plate's sportswear, it was around 1:00pm on a Monday, that was odd (first yellow flag). - I wondered where these guys were running to, I looked ahead expecting to see something and it clicked (second yellow flag). Fuck! They were running towards me, and they were close, too close, one of them was just passing the car behind me. I felt an adrenaline rush, and without thinking I managed to start the car and shift into first gear. I was taking off when my side window exploded (big red flag), small pieces of glass were flying around the cabin like confetti. I didn't care. Nicolas Cage was gone in 60', I was gone in 20'.

I couldn't see much, my side window was falling on top of me, I had tiny pieces of glass stuck to my face, stuck to my shirt, but i didn't care, I kept driving, I had to get the hell out of there. I looked back through my rearview mirror and I saw two motorbikes on my tail. Fuck! The three guys were following me. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I had no idea where I was going but I was going fast and as far away as I possibly could.

After a couple of blocks I saw one of the motorbikes turn left - I have no clue what happened to the other motorbike - I immediately turned right andI I got caught in a traffic jam. Fuck! I tried to get through but it was impossible. I was stuck. If the guys on the motorbikes came back I was fucked, super fucked. I was a sitting duck in this traffic jam and it felt like shit. I called my cousin and told him to get down our office - I was a couple of blocks away - while I kept looking back trying to spot any motorbike going my way until the cars in front finally started moving. I felt almost safe.

I stopped my car in front of my office building. I got out, grabbed my jacket, my backpack, and my notebook and left them with the security guy. A couple of minutes later my cousin was helping me get some of the window glasses out, when I found the metal stick one of the guys used to break the window. I kept it like a lucky charm. :)