viernes, 27 de julio de 2007
miércoles, 18 de julio de 2007
El día del amigo evidentemente no es el día más importante de la vida de uno, no se podría comparar nunca con el día de casamiento, el de nacimiento de un hijo u otros tantos días especiales pero su significado es muy probablemente la base de todos ellos.
En cierta medida la amistad es más importante que la familia, básicamente porque la amistad es una elección y eso es lo que la hace tan grandiosa. Uno tiene deberes y derechos para con su familia pero no la elige, yo no elegí ser hijo de, hermano de, padre de, pero sí elegí ser amigo de. Evidentemente ser amigo de tu familia es hacia lo que todos tendemos dado que genera una relación muy especial pero no siempre se da.
Hay miles de diferentes tipos de amigos, amigos de la infancia, amigos de amigos, amigos del trabajo, amigos por conveniencia, amigos del alma, amigos de medio pelo, amigos de copas, amigos de viajes, etc. pero los verdaderos amigos, los que uno si es dichoso tiene el lujo de tener un manojo, son pocos.
La amistad como dice Rabindranath Tagore es como la fosforescencia, resplandece mejor cuando todo se ha oscurecido.
Un amigo de verdad es el que te regaló su juguete preferido, el que te eligió y te sigue eligiendo cada día como su amigo, el que te ayudó a ver la vida como es, el que te consoló cuando te rompieron el corazón, la persona que te ayudó a escribir una canción, la persona a la que llamás cuando te enamoraste, la persona con la que siempre contaste, el que te cubrió la espalda, el que nunca te dejó en banda, el que se enoja si no lo llamás pero te llama, el que te hace la gamba con la chica que te gusta encarándose a su amiga "divina", el que te da su último cigarrillo sin que se lo pidas, el que te deja su departamento y se va a vivir con sus viejos, el que te regala un pasaje para ir a visitarlo, el que se va del laburo y te va a despedir al aeropuerto, el que se pone mal cuando estás deprimido, el que se pone contento cuando la chica que le gustaba es ahora tu novia, el que te acepta como sos y no te quiere cambiar, el que te consigue un piso estando en otro país, el que maneja tu auto cuando estás borracho, el que te acompaña cuando te cortaste mal con un vaso, el que te presenta a sus mejores amigas, el que te llama todos los domingos para ver cómo estás, el que lee tu blog aunque tenga otras cosas mejores que hacer, con el que te vas de vacaciones a Punta del Este en temporada baja, con el que querés festejar un aumento de sueldo, el que no da más de cansancio pero te acompaña al boliche, el que te puede decir tus defectos sin que te enojes, el que te entiende cuando ni vos te entendés, el que se va de una fiesta espectacular a buscarte porque se te rompió el auto, el que te escucha quejarte sin chistar hasta que te desahoges, con el que te emborrachás hablando de la vida, el que te aconseja cómo salir adelante aunque no tenga ni la menor idea, el que te motiva a ir por más, el que te banca cuando estás insoportable, el que se toma un avión sin pensarlo si estás en problemas, el que te alberga en su casa cuando no tenés a donde ir, el que te hace reír y llorar al mismo tiempo, el que siente un vacío cuando no estás, el que te llama para ver en qué andás, el que te acompaña al hospital cuando estás con alergia, el que se queda en silencio a tu lado para hacerte compañía, el que se come un viaje en subte y bondi para visitarte, la persona con la que te podés pelear pero sabés te vas a arreglar, el que se acopla a tu programa sin saber de qué se trata, al que todo le sale sin esforzarse pero que querés ver feliz, con el que festejás tu cumpleaños, el que modifica su programa de viaje por vos, el que te eleva tu actutud, el que te elige como testigo de su casamiento o padrino de su hijo, el que te putea pero luego te pide perdón, el que siempre está y no piensa irse, el que nunca te va a olvidar.
viernes, 13 de julio de 2007
jueves, 12 de julio de 2007
October 2, 2002 Issue 38•36
BOSTON—Ty Braxton, 23, continues to hide his fun and fulfilling life from the full-time employees of Hale & Dorr, the Boston law firm for which he has temped since July.
"At a job like this, where you're surrounded by angry, perpetually stressed-out lawyers who are working 80 hours a week, it's important to hide the fact that you're enjoying a normal, balanced, happy life," Braxton said Monday. "People get really pissed when they hear stuff like that."
Braxton, who earns roughly one-fourth of what the firm's lowest-seniority full-time employees make, said he has no desire to make his coworkers feel bad about their "boring, shitty lives.
"If somebody complains about how bad it sucks to work overtime five days straight, I just nod and agree," said Braxton, who spends his weeknights at parties, at concerts, and playing basketball in the park. "No point in rubbing in the fact that no matter how busy things are, I leave at exactly 5 p.m. every single day. If anyone asks me to stay later, I just say my agency doesn't let me do overtime."
After graduating from Wesleyan University in May 2000 with a degree in Russian literature, Braxton worked a series of part-time jobs in and around Boston. In December 2001, he signed on with QualiTemps, the city's largest supplier of temporary office labor, which currently pays him $8.44 per hour.
"I have so much going on in my life right now," Braxton said. "I'm helping a friend start up a little Cajun food stand, I've gotten way into this Russian poet Mayakovsky, I've been hanging out with this really cool girl I met when my band, Sophie Drillteam, did a show with hers. Honestly, I just don't have the time or energy to put into some job."
In spite of his happiness, Braxton said he makes sure always to project an air of dissatisfaction, in both facial expression and posture, while in the office.
"If I had a great time staying out until 4 in the morning the night before, I make sure to wipe away all traces of a smile before I walk in these doors," Braxton said. "If anyone found out I'm not living a hellish existence like they are, I'd be asking for trouble."
Braxton is also careful about engaging his coworkers in conversation.
"I stopped talking about movies, because no one here ever goes to them," Braxton said. "Every time I mention a movie to someone, I have to sit there and listen to them go through the process of figuring out the last movie they saw. The other day, Andrew Walser, this intellectual-property attorney who's trying to make partner, told me that his last movie was Gladiator. I was like, 'Oh, man, that's depressing.'"
In his long-term temp assignment as conference coordinator at Hale & Dorr, Braxton schedules employee use of the firm's five common meeting rooms and is responsible for keeping the rooms stocked with cold refreshments and snacks. His other primary duty is to procure audio-visual equipment for meetings when requested, a situation that arises "only, like, one or two times a month."
"People e-mail me about needing rooms, and I have to e-mail them back with room assignments," Braxton said. "I also have to post the schedule on the meeting-room doors and order paper cups and things. All in all, though, it's pretty easy. Everybody's usually way too busy to give me any work to do, anyway."
During his three to four hours of "down time" each work day, Braxton reads, surfs the web, and e-mails friends. He also works on long-term personal projects. Over the past six weeks, Braxton has translated 41 pages of Alexander Pushkin's unfinished novel Dubrovsky for a new English version he dreams of one day publishing.
Braxton has never mentioned his translation project to coworkers, nor has he mentioned any of his other pursuits.
"I don't want to rub in how much I get to do the things I want to do," Braxton said. "I feel sorry for them. They go home after a hard day, and they're so fried they just spend the night sitting in front of the TV. You know how these people spend their weekends? Resting. They rest."
Another advantage Braxton enjoys over the full-timers is a significantly more relaxed dress code.
"They're always on the way to the dry cleaners or the barber or shopping for another expensive suit," said Braxton, who estimates that his average coworker spends five hours a week maintaining his or her personal appearance. "As long as I wear deodorant, keep my tie reasonably clean, and wash my one pair of Dockers over the weekend, no one really gives a shit what I look like."
In his efforts to hide his happy, fulfilling life from his coworkers, Braxton has even resorted to lying.
"Just yesterday, somebody asked me about my last temp job," Braxton said. "It ended in May, but I told them it ended in June. See, after it ended, I took about a month off and just kind of dicked around, traveling around Europe until my money ran out. I knew not to mention that to people who won't be able to do anything like that until they're 65."
Though Braxton said he sympathizes with his coworkers, he added that the decision to pursue a prestigious, high-paying career path was entirely their own.
"They wanted to go for the brass ring and really live the good life," Braxton said. "What they don't seem to get is that the key to living the good life is to avoid that brass ring like the fucking plague."
Source: The Onion - Temp Hides Fun, Fulfilling Life From Rest Of Office
jueves, 5 de julio de 2007
Según Wikipedia, el Marketing Viral es una técnica de marketing que intenta explotar redes sociales preexistentes para producir incrementos exponenciales en "conocimiento de marca" (Brand Awareness), mediante procesos de autorreplicación viral análogos a la expansión de un virus informático. Su principal ventaja es su enorme capacidad de conseguir una gran cantidad de potenciales clientes a un costo bajo.
Una Campaña de Marketing Viral con mucha Actitud
Objetivo: Dar a conocer la nueva serie de FX "Dexter" en UK.
Medio de Propagación: E-Mail y SMS.
PS.- Al final del video pueden reenviarlo a quien quieran.
PS2.- Grazie Gonza!!!